Flora Phenological Study:

A phenological study of the flora of Parque Moret is being carried out.

The different angiosperm phanerogams with striking flowers in the area, both herbaceous and shrubs and trees, are being published for months, indicating the abundance in which they occur and in the area found.

Limited areas:

Presence of flowers:

  1. a) Herbaceous

1: occasional (1-2); 2: Sporadic, at different points; 3: Shape 1-2 small spot; 4: Forms abundant spots

  1. b) Shrubs and Trees

1: Occasional on a bush foot with 1 or flowers; 2: Sporadic, on different bush feet (1-2 flowers). 3: Presents flower spots on different bushes. 4: Abundant flowers on all shrubs.


– Dandelion ( Diplotaxis catholica). Less abundant than last month.

Zone 1: 2; Zone 2: 2; Zone 3: 2; Zone 4: 2; Zone 5: 3; Zone 6: 2; Zone 7: 2; Zone 8: 3

Flower of each month ( Calendula arvensis). Abundant

Zone 1: 1; Zone 2: 1; Zone 4: 1; Zone 8: 4
– False dandelion ( Leontodon saxatilis ).

Zone 1: 3; Zone 4: 3; Zone 7: 3; Zone 8: 1

Old man’s beard Urospermum pricoides). A single copy.
Zone 1: 1
– Carmelita ( Andryala intergrifolia).

Zone 4: 1

– Locksmith ( Sonchus oleraceus): occasional in different areas.

Zone 1: 1; Zone 2: 1; Zone 4: 1; Zone 7: 1; Zone 8: 1

– Woolly thistle ( Galactite tomentose).
Zone 6: 1

– Little watches (Erodium chium). Scattered

Zone 1: 2; Zone 2: 2; Zone 3: 1; Zone 4: 2; Zone 5: 2; Zone 6: 2; Zone 7: 2; Zone 8: 2

– Malpica flower ( Silene colorata).
Zone 5: 1
– Viborea ( Echium plantagineum).
Zone 1: 1; Zone 6: 1; Zone 7: 1

– Wild radish ( Rafanus raphanistrum).

Zone 1: 1; Zone 2: 1; Zone 8: 3

– Vinaigrette Oxalis pes-caprae. Abundant

Zone 1: 4; Zone 2: 4; Zone 3: 2; Zone 4: 4; Zone 5: 4; Zone 6: 4; Zone 7: 4; Zone 8: 4

– Clover ( Trifolium repens).

Zone 8: 1

– Pink bell ( Convolvulus althaeoidea)
Zone 8: 2
Guinea pigs (Fumaria sepium).
Zone 8: 1

– Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare). Sporadic Zone 1: 1; Zone 8: 1

– Squash Lily ( Romulea bulbocodium).
Zone 5: 2
– Saint Anthony’s Wand ( Asphodelus fistulosus).
Zone 4: 1; Zone 5: 1
– Jade plant ( Crasula ovata).
Zone 5: 4
Lavandula ( Lavandula pedunculata).
Zone 4: 2
– Sticky rockrose ( Cistus ladanifer).
Zone 4: 1
Black jaguar (Cistus monpeliensis).
Zone 4: 1
– Moorish Jaguarzo (Cistus salvifolius).
Zone 4: 1
Jasmine ( Trachelospermum jasminoides).
Zone 2: 2; Zone 7: 2
– Lantana ( Lantana strigocamara).
Zone 2: 2; Zone 7: 2; Zone 8: 2
– Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).

Zone 1: 1; Zone 7: 2

– Durillo ( Viburnum tinus).
Zone 4: 1
– Bougainvillea ( Bougainvillea glabra).
Zone 5: 2; Zone 8: 1
– Retama (Monosperm Retama).
Zone 5: 2; Zone 7: 2
– Russian creeper ( Falloipia baldschuanica).
Zone 3: 4

– Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera).

Zone 4: 4

– Almond tree ( Prunus dulcis).

Zone 8: 4

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